Install Cockpit on OpenSUSE Linux - Podman For Beginners E02

This is a written guide for installing Cockpit on OpenSUSE (other distros supported also), it acts a companion to the video posted for this tutorial.

Install Cockpit on OpenSUSE Linux - Podman For Beginners E02

This is a written guide for installing Cockpit on OpenSUSE (other distros supported also), it acts a companion to the video posted for this tutorial.

Installing Cockpit is really simple and also has tons of extensions to help you manage your server via a nice GUI.

Website for the Cockpit Project

To Install

sudo transactional-update pkg in cockpit

sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

You should be able to connect to cockpit via your ip address and the port 9090. for example:

Important to remember to reboot your server if your using transactional updates.

Install Extensions

Once you have installed Cockpit, you can start to browse the GUI. If you want some extensions to manage Podman, Networking, Storage etc. You can add different extensions via the terminal.

For a list of extensions you can view them on the Cockpit website extensions page

For example, to install Podman extension you would type:

sudo transactional-update pkg in cockpit-podman

Then you can now manage your containers via the Cockpit UI.